Combination Skin

Combination skin is when you have both oily and dry skin areas on your face. This combines the two and can get problematic when considering taking care of. Most common is having dry skin on the exterior of your face but your T-zone is oily.

Causes of having combination skin:

Your sebaceous glands produce more oil in the center part of your face, making you look shiny and the exterior is dry and can have flakiness. To better understand the causes of combination skin you have to know the causes of having Oily Skin and Dry Skin.

The good & The bad of having combination skin:
There kinda is no good in having combination skin cause you suffer from both of them, you skin will tend to age quickly and you have chances of breaking out having a problem with acne.
This does not mean you can not take care of your skin even if in this case is more problematic than the other types of skin.

Taking care of combination skin:
You will have to scrub your face but without irritating the skin.I would say to try a normal skin scrubbing product so you can balance the both. Do this once every two weeks (if you feel you need more than this then try more often).
Same with the face wash product, go for a normal skin face wash but try to not over do it and be as gentle as possible.Wash your face with cold water!!
Toner: Tone your face with a good product.. toners are for all types of skin usually. So get one that can really do it’s job!This product can be your saviour!
Moisturize: I would recommend using two different moisturizers so you can apply them exactly were needed. One for oily skin and one for dry skin. If it’s too expensive for you then try one with low-fat that does not leave your face greasy and can absorb quick into the skin but also providing moisture for the dry parts.
Face Mask: This is a step that most skin types can pass (even if i recommend it) but can be crucial for your skin. Have a hidrating mask for your outer parts of your face and some kind of mask that will solve your oilyness problem on the T-zone. (as seen in the picture).Do this once a week!

Do all these stept daily (minus the scrubbing and face mask) for a good-looking and healthy skin!

I know products can get expensive these days but I recommend you to invest in a good Toner and a good Face Mask. Considering the fact that you need two different types of masks I would say to invest more in the face mask!

Makeup: Use liquid foundation but not oily, creamy eyeshadows, creamy blushes, and powder just the T-zone of your face when needed.
Pay attention to the products you buy to not be too harsh for any of the skin types!

If you have any more questions please ask me in the comments bellow & If you want me to talk more about makeup for combination skin please feel free to tell me! 🙂

Stay Beautiful,

Dry Skin

Dry skin is very common, and this means you skin does not have enough moisture between the layers of the skin causing it to flake and in some cases be irritated. Observing this is looking around your nose area and mouth to see if you have dead skin around or you can also observe it at the elbow area. People with dry skin may also have flakiness on the legs.

Causes of drying skin:
1. Seasons: During the winter time we all get dry skin, and this can affect people with dry skin dehydrating the skin even more.
2. Steamy showers: You would think a steamy shower/bath will do miracles to your skin but it does not help you if you have dry skin. The steam will only strip the moisture from your skin.
3. Soaps: Most soaps/ shower gels can rob your skin of moisture and this will make your skin even drier.
4. Over-use of beauty products (alcohol): I only mean the products that have any type of alcohol in them.Alcohol will evaporate the good moisture that the skin has.
5. Low humid areas: Living in a low humid area will affect your skin. the humidity in the air will help your skin from flaking.

!!Dry skin can get sensitive! You have to take care of it otherwise you could get a sensitive skin!!

The good&The bad of having dry skin:
The good thing is that as a young person you do not have to be worried about breaking out or having acne. As a teenager your skin will look almost perfect and growing as an adult you will not have acne scaring.Also your skin will not be shiny during the day.
The bad thing is that your skin will age faster if you do not take care of it. Dry skin will gain wrinkles faster than the other types of skin and the flakiness can get ugly sometimes.

Taking care of dry skin:
Scrubbing: Scrubbing is not great for dry skin cause it can strip the little moisture in your skin.. but it is also something that needs to be done so you can take away all the dead skin. Find a face scrubbing product that is for dry skin and that has something that also moisturizes the skin while scrubbing it. Do this twice a week.
Washing: Exclude any harsh soaps, and find oil based washing products for your face that takes out the dirt but does not harm your skin.Use cold water to help toning your face.
Toner: This will help balance your pH and will lock in the good moisture in your skin.You can diy a toner at home!
Moisturizer: This step is crucial for dry skin! Find a moisturizer for your skin type, a more fat one, in your age range so you can fill your skin with good moisture. This will do wonders for your skin and it will prevent it from ageing as fast.
Do all these steps daily (minus the scrubbing) for a nice, healthy looking skin! If you feel like your skin need more moisture apply your cream twice a day!

I know that product these day can get a little expensive, but try investing in a good scrub and a good moisturizer.I promise you that a good quality moisturizer will make the difference.. and If it’s too much to use it twice a day I recommend you to use it before bed so it can do it’s magic during the night.

Makeup: Use oil based makeup products&creamy makeup products. Use oil based foundations, creamy eyeshadows, creamy blushes and so on! Be carefull to buy the makeup products good for your skin! Avoid powder products cause it can cause flakiness and your makeup will look cakey.

If you have any more questions please ask in the comments bellow & Also if you want me to write more about makeup for dry skin just tell me in the comments! 🙂

Stay beautiful,