Oily Skin

“Oily skin is caused by over-active sebaceous glands, that produce a substance called sebum, a naturally healthy skin lubricant.When the skin produces excessive sebum, it becomes heavy and thick in texture.”

Causes for oily skin/over producing oil:

1. Genetics: If your parents have oily skin there is a chance of you having larger sebaceous glands.
2. Over-use of skin care products: Over exfoliating and cleaning your face with any type of products may dry out the skin and/or damage it and as a protection shield the skin will compensate with producing oil.
3. Changing season: Seasonal changing can make your skin produce more oil; In the summer sweating more make you look oily and in the winter, being a cold season that can dry your skin you over produce oil.
4. Medication: Most medication can cause dehydration in the skin. especially birth-control pills or hormone medication.
5. Stress: In response to stress, your body will produce more androgen hormones wich will make the skin produce more oil.
6. Sun Tanning: Even if you think tanning will dry out your skin, tanning is actually very bad for reducing it.. Drying the skin out will only irritate the skin and make it damaged, so as a response, to self-heal it-self it will produce more oil.

Acne-prone skin: not everyone with oily skin will have this problem but on most cases you tend to break out more easily than the other skin types. The excess oils produced by your skin will “help” the breakouts to occur more often.
acnee_61729100_09881100_73418900Do not use harsh products on trying to clean your skin of blemishes/pimples cause it can dry your skin for a moment, making it look good for a time but it will come back as fast as you “cured” it.  Drying out your skin will make your pimples disappear for now, but the skin will produce extra oil and can make a breakout be worse.

The good&The bad of having oily skin:
The good part is that producing extra oil, your face will always be moisturized and it will keep its elasticity more with ageing.This means your skin will not age as fast as the other types of skin (if you take good care of it), wrinkles and age spots will not be a problem as fast as other people have.
The bad part is that you may have problems with acne and blemishes wich can be unappealing and can leave scars on your face. You also have to always wipe your face from the extra oil your skin produced so you will not look shiny all the time.

Taking care of oily skin:
Always, by all means, buy beauty products for your type of skin; In this case no oily products or nothing that contains oils.
If you have acne prone skin, go to a dermatologist and see what he recommends you taking for your blemishes.
Scrubbing: use a very mild scrub on your face to be sure you get rid of any extra dead skin on your face. Once a week is more than enough, and I recommend doing it after the shower so your skin is soft and your pores are open.
*If you have bad acne do not scrub at all!! This will only irritate the acne and make it spread even more!!
after scrubbing be sure to use a face wash made for oily skin, but one that does not dry out your skin completely! Be sure to wash your face gently, massaging it in circular motion, with cold water so you can close your pores!
Facial Toner: Very important process, toning your face with a toner (home-made or brand name toner) so you can balance the pH of your skin and help it recover.
Moisturizer: Having oily skin does not make you skip this step! You need to moisturize your skin with good moisture so that the skin will not feel the need to over produce oil; Plus it will help your skin remain young and healthy. Find a good moisturizer for your age range, and one that is not fat, a serum that will be absorbed into the skin quick without leaving the skin greasy.
Do all these steps daily (without the scrubbing) for making sure you will have a good skin.
I recommend investing in a good Toner, this can really help the oily skin.I know products these days can get a little expensive but try to invest in a good Toner or make yourself one.

Makeup: Use powders as makeup products! Powder foundation, powder blush, powder eyeshadow.. and so on so you will not add any oils. Or you can also find liquid foundation that are water based with no oils; But like I said always buy products for your type of skin.

If you have more questions please ask in the comments bellow & Tell me if you would like to know more about makeup for oily skin! 🙂

Stay beautiful,

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