What NOT to buy as GIFTS for Christmas! :)

what-not-to-buy Hello gorgeous!
Christmas is almost here, and I bet most of you did not buy all your Christmas gifts for all your loved ones! 😛 And probably most of you have no idea what to buy as well… so I am here, today, to help uncheck some of your ideas that maybe are BAD! Here are 5 things that you might want to rethink!
So let’s begin:
eds-favs-foundations-6121. Foundation – Never ever buy a foundation for a person as a gift! (And this comes from an expert point) Everyone has a different type of skin, and reacts different to products depending on their skin. Plus you have to find the perfect color for that person… Foundations are not good gifts, they are to be bought personal! Also powder are included in here! 🙂
59314-stardoll-stardoll-clothes2. Clothes – I am referring to t-shirts, pants, dresses and so on! Unless you know that persons exact measurements, and even so, you are going to fail buying clothes. You have to know what size they are, what style they have, colors, materials and so on! If you know they like a certain shop, give them a GIFT CARD for that store!
diamond-jewelry13. Jewelry – Do not buy cheap jewelry! If you are going to gift someone pieces of jewelry, be sure the person matters to you and you invest in that present! Giving someone cheap metal/plastic jewelry is like telling them they are garbage for you.
perfumes_14. Perfume – perfume is going to smell different on every person because of their pH balance. So if something smells good on you it might not smell good on another person! If you are going to buy a perfume to someone, be sure you know what perfume they love, or their signature perfume (there are people who use THAT one perfume their whole life).
Unwrap Gift - Getty Unwrapped5. Not Wrapped Gifts – No one wants a gift that has no wrapping to open. It has to be nicely wrapped, or boxed with Christmas decorations on it! Believe me when I say, 50% of the gift is the way you give it and present it!

So there you have it! If you have any more things that should NOT be gifted, please leave them in the comments bellow! 🙂

Stay Beautiful,